Portman to host CTBUH Atlanta Chapter fall in meeting

Monday | November 16, 2015 | 5:30 pm

Please join us for Tall Tales – Lessons Learned from Industry Leaders

The event is hosted by John Portman & Associates and will include an
hour of networking, four 10-15 minute presentations, followed by audience
Q&A. Presentations will offer expert perspectives on tall building issues
relating to real estate design and development, wind engineering and vertical

  • Charles A. Pinkham, III, Vice President, Development, Portman Holdings
  • Gordon Beckman, AIA, Principal and Design Director, John Portman & Associates
  • Derek Kelly, M. Eng., P.Eng., Principal and Wind Engineer, Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin
  • Scott Shepler, Elevator Consultant, Principal and Partner, Fortune Shepler Saling Inc.

Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served.

RSVP: Contact David LeFevre at atlanta@ctbuh.org

Organized by CTBUH Atlanta Chapter